In today’s installment of closet Confessionals, we meet a handbag collector who began collecting bags wtih the purchase of her first designer handbag. That purchase, a Prada Galleria, helped honor CC 148’s very first adult job, and also jump-started this handbag lover’s collection. These days, this lawyer, who hails from Austin, Texas, has amassed a beautiful collection of bags.

This collection includes pieces from Prada, Louis Vuitton, Chanel and more. Recently, CC 148 began the process of streamlining her collection, selling off or giving away bags that she no longer used. despite being a proponent of the secondary market as a indicates to rehome bags, CC 148 isn’t a big fan of purchasing pre-loved for herself. These days, this collector has her eyes set on a Birkin 30 to celebrate her 30th. read the full confessional below and don’t forget to submit your own!

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Det grunnleggende

Age: 29
Gender Identity: Female
Location: Austin, Texas
Occupation: Attorney
Industry: Law
Salary: $250,000
Household Income: $450,000

The Bags

Are you a PurseForum member? Ja

How lots of bags do you own? 7

What bags are in your collection?

Christian Dior 30 Montaigne

Christian Dior Diorama

21A Chanel CF small green

20B Chanel tiny Rectangular Flap Ivory Iridescent

Louis Vuitton petite Malle Souple

Louis Vuitton Neverfull

Prada medium Monochrome

How much is your collection worth? probably around $20-25K.

What is your a lot of expensive bag? My Chanel small classic Flap for sure! I gotten it the day before the price boosted a thousand dollars! It was really expensive for me even before the absurd prices they choose now!

What are the most crucial brands or pieces in your collection? My favorite bags are both of my Dior bags as my fiance gotten them for me! It was so sweet of him to really accept me for who I am and what I love. He thinks handbags are just “containers” but I love them dearly and he supports my addiction ?

What age did you get your first designer bag, and what was it? I gotten my first designer bag when I got my first adult job out of college! It was a Prada tiny Galleria tote in this stunning robin’s egg blue shade! I don’t have it anymore considering that it became impractical for everyday use considering that it wasn’t big enough to fit my phone. It was a great bag for the time being and I loved it so much!

Is there a certain bag you are seeking to purchase next? Yes..trying to choose the desired Birkin 30 for my 30th birthday!

Any particular bag that holds a special sentimental value? My Diorama that my fiance gotten for me for my birthday is really special. He had just spent 26 hours driving from Texas to California and despite being half-dead from exhaustion, gotten me the most beautiful and special handbag I had been eyeing. That bag has gone through so much and it’s still in stunning condition. I’ll never get rid of it!

Do you feel like your bags change people’s perceptions of you or how you’re treated? Helt sikkert. I grew up in a really affluent community where I always felt left out. My parents are divorced and we barely scraped by because my mommy wanted my sisters and I to get a really good education that was used in that really affluent community. ever since, I’ve been dying to sort of, compete? with the rest of the people who I grew up with in that community. I absolutely know they treat me with a lot more respect now that I can afford to have and wear really great bags.

Have your bag-carrying routines changed considering that Covid? Litt. I’m really paranoid about covid and I haven’t been going out much. I’ve recently sold a few of my other handbags that I wasn’t really using (Speedy B25, Coco Handle, Trendy, Chanel 19), and just want to keep a curated collection of smallish bags. I’ve also gotten really into jewelry lately considering that I get to see and take pleasure in those pieces throughout the day rather than my bags which I get to take pleasure in when I go out!


How often do you get new bags? pretty frequently, probably 3 or 4 times a year!

Has the Coronavirus pandemic changed your shopping routines or overall attitude towards luxury? I’ve been really lucky to have a stable job that pays really well. When I’m bored or stressed, I absolutely indulge in a lot of retail therapy and that includes a lot a lot more fine jewelry and luxury handbags.

Which stores do you frequent the most? Neiman Marcus, Saks, Nordstrom, Cartier, Chanel, Louis Vuitton.

Do you ever get second-hand bags? Where do you get used? No. I really appreciate those who get and love second-hand bags. I don’t know what it is about me but when I know someone had used it and marked up the bag before, I can’t fall in love with it. It just doesn’t feel ideal to me. I have purchased from Fashionphile in the past but they always go ideal back.

Do you sell old bags to pay for new purchases? Noen ganger! When I have a bag that’s just been sitting pretty for a few months, I’ll normally gift it to my mommy or to my sister. If they don’t want it, I’ll sell it on and get something new for myself ? I’ve sold bags through Facebook groups and to Fashionphile.

Do you ever feel societal pressure to purchase a lot more bags? Ikke egentlig. My current social circle doesn’t give a flying F about luxury handbags. It makes me feel self-conscious at times to have expensive handbags but then I remember they love luxury watches..and wine..and cars, etc! I love what I love and they love what they love. I think often we cross-influence each other but I spend $ on bags because I find them to be lovely!

Do you consider your bag purchases investments? Nei. I get them because I love them and I use them. If I don’t use them and sell them on, I normally take a loss.

Who influences your getting decisions? Influencers!! Man, they have really influenced my getting decisions the past few years.

Are sales associate relationships instrumental to your shopping? I’d say yes for some brands. I have an outstanding relationship with SAs from Chanel, Cartier, and LV. For some reason, I really just haven’t found the ideal SA with Hermès. I find happiness in shopping and tie those good memories into the actual item itself, so when an SA interaction feels bad, I won’t get it!

Why do you take pleasure in shopping, beyond just acquiring something new? The chase is so much fun! I love researching new styles, finding out what colors are available, chatting with Internet friends about products, and the fulfillment that comes with obtaining the elusive item.

Have you ever felt like you received inferior service at a store or boutique due to your appearance, ethnicity or gender? Ja! I distinctly remember a time when I went into a boutique and asked to see a certain product in a certain colorway. I had just finished a riding lesson and I probably smelled and looked awful. (Sorry!) In any case, I was wearing the same handbag in a different color and just wanted to compare colors to see if I thought my mommy would like one too. The SA who was helping me made a snarky comment about how the “authentic” item is just made with such quality craftsmanship and proceeded to side-eye my bag. Hva!? Mine is also authentic.. I just happened to purchase it from another boutique. She kept rolling her eyes whenever I said something and kept commenting about how expensive these items are and how exclusive they are. I was so peeved but I couldn’t find the courage to confront her so I left. I’ve never gone back to that boutique and never ever will!


Hvem betaler for posene dine? a lot of of the time I do! often I get them as gifts from my future hubs!

Do you set aside a budget for your bag purchases? Ikke egentlig. I just know that I’ll end up spending a good chunk of money on them haha.


Have you ever purchased a counterfeit because you couldn’t afford a designer item? Nei!

Do you ever hide purchases from your significant other? often I downplay how hard I had to work to find the bag but never how much it costs.

What’s the craziest thing you’ve done to afford a bag? went to law school for 3 years and passed the bar exam!

Do you think your shopping is ever a problem? have you ever felt like you were struggling with a shopping addiction? No. I thankfully make good money where I can cover my purchases. I won’t get something I don’t like and don’t need.

Resten av det

Any other expensive hobbies or passions? Horseback riding, Napa trips, and fine jewelry!

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