Today we’re taking a look into the life of a young professional hailing from our nation’s capital. She has worked exceptionally hard to get to where she is in her career. like lots of of us, this confessor has celebrated big life events by purchasing new bags. though this confessor has purchased lots of bags on her own, her a lot of beloved bag was handed down to her by her mom, whose mother was the previous owner of the bag.
Her collection varies and she has her fair share of different designers, but today’s confessor’s attitude towards bags and shopping is pretty down to earth. This confessor owns, and loves, bags in any way price points. Additionally, she recognizes that bags are “just bags” and shouldn’t impact how others are treated. While she admits that she went through a bit of a frivolous spending period in her 20s, today’s confessor shops mindfully, typically planning out higher-end bag purchases in correlation to big life events. While her overall attitude towards bags and shopping is refreshing, so is her knack for the sweets she keeps stuffed in her bags. read the full confessional below and don’t forget to submit your own!
Del din egen tilståelsesmessige!
Det grunnleggende
Age: 31
Kjønnsidentitet: Kvinne
Location: Washington, DC
Occupation: Lawyers/Consultant
Industry: Tax
Salary: $102,000
Household Income: $400,000
Er du et purseforum -medlem? Nei
How lots of bags do you own? around 30
Hvilke poser er i samlingen din?
Louis Vuitton Neverfull MM (Damier Azur)
Louis Vuitton Boulogne 35 (Classic Monogram)
Vintage Gucci Boston Bag
Vintage Gucci GG monogram small Crossbody
Mulberry Bayswater (Heritage) in sage green
Mulberry Dorset tote in bluebell leather
Balenciaga medium classic City in black with silver hardware
Prada Nylon Crossbody in black
Marc Jacobs Stam in turquoise
Kurt Geiger London Rainbow stripe Kensington Bag
Kurt Geiger London tiny Kensington in red tweed
Annabel Ingall large Isabella tote in black
Tory Burch Gemini link tote in Orange
Tory Burch leather Foldover Crossbody
Rebecca Minkoff Cupid satchel in Camel
Rebecca Minkoff tiny MAC in Grey
Rebecca Minkoff tiny affair in Teal
Longchamp large Le Pliage in Olive
Several vintage instructor crossbody bags
Additionally, I have several unbranded bags from local stores and Amazon, and a few bags from fast fashion places like H&M, Aldo, Target, and TJMaxx
Hvor mye er samlingen din verdt? roughly $12,800 at retail price (before depreciation)
What is your a lot of expensive bag? In terms of retail value, probably the Balenciaga City, but I paid way less. Out of all my bags, I paid the most for the LV Neverfull.
What are the most crucial brands or pieces in your collection?
Almost all of my bags provided are crucial to me, but I am a lot of sentimental about the following:
– Mulberry Bayswater – this was my “high end” designer bag that I purchased for myself
– LV Neverfull – I purchased this after a hard-won promotion at work. I fought hard to get that promotion – I was working in a very competitive office within my firm where it could be tough for women to get promoted, reporting to a boss who fostered that environment. I worked really hard to get that promotion, but I know I couldn’t have gotten there without the support I received from a network of wonderful women within my firm that I am lucky to call colleagues. Not only did they give me the support and support to help me get to that level, they went to bat for me when push pertained to shove.
– The LV Boulogne – this was originally my grandmother’s, and my mommy handed it down to me for my 30th birthday. I didn’t get to know her well considering that I was really young when she passed, so it really is special to me.
– The Balenciaga City – I had wanted this bag considering that it came out, and finally got this last year to celebrate getting a new position at my company that had been a goal for me for some time. It represented a real stepping stone in my occupation for me.
– Kurt Geiger Rainbow stripe Kensington – I got this in Scotland when I was there on an anniversary trip with my husband. He got this for me as a surprise when he found out I got an interview for my current role.
Hvilken alder fikk du din første designerveske, og hva var det? The first name brand designer bag I got was probably a instructor logo’d purse I had saved up for in middle school. I’m not sure what the exact model was, but it was a big deal to me at the time! In terms of higher end labels, the first “luxury” bag I got (I take that label with a grain of salt, considering that I have bags I love in any way market levels) was the Mulberry Bayswater. I had wanted it for some time and found a pre-loved one on Tradesy that I didn’t get immediately, but kept my eye on. I finally gotten it during a dreadful trip to new York, where we had gone to check out pals and it was a complete disaster – the couple we were staying with had just made a decision to divorce and were trying to keep the plans together anyway, I got pulled into a work emergency and spent much of the weekend in their second bedroom on my laptop…I pulled the activate in the midst of all that!
Is there a certain bag you are seeking to purchase next? I really am very delighted with my current collection, and honestly, given the state of the world ideal now, I would just be delighted to spend a lot more time using the bags I own and love as frivolous as that sounds. While I had been thinking about a Stella McCartney Fallabella, I’ve put that on indefinite hold and may or may not revisit that thought when things improve. With all that said, MZ Wallace small Sutton for a time considering that I wanted something that was packable, durable, and also cute, and the price is reasonable. I may get that one when things go back to normal, assuming that happens!
Noen spesiell veske som har en spesiell sentimental verdi? The bags that are a lot of crucial to me are those that hold a sentimental value!
Føler du at posene dine endrer folks oppfatninger av deg eller hvordan du blir behandlet? Not these days – my couch doesn’t seem to care what I am carrying! back when we could go outside, I would say only minimally. I think my a lot of recognizable bags like the LVs or Guccis are a dime a dozen where I live, so I haven’t observed much difference when I do carry those rather than where I don’t. While DC isn’t the most “fashion-y” area (though there is a really emerging presence), I do notice that a lot of women in my office carry designer bags but it is rarely a topic of conversation. some of my pals are into bags – some a lot more so than others, but for those that are it is a lot more like a fun topic of conversation to us than a status thing, which I really value.
I think I see the most change in perception when I carry something a little unusual or off the beaten path (particularly the Kurt Geiger Rainbow stripe Kensington). Honestly, I like it that way! Bags are fun, but at the end of the day, they are just bags, and I don’t think they must impact how people are treated.
How typically do you get new bags? maybe a few times a year, give or take. a lot of of my higher end purchases are well planned out and made in relation to a life event, but there are times where I will take advantage of a good deal when it comes up. I did go through a period in my late 20s where I gotten new bag a lot more typically than that, mostly in the mid-range/low end scheme of things, but considering that then I’ve tried to be much a lot more mindful. I’m lucky in that a lot of my pals will ask me to help them shop for a bag, so I get a lot of my shopping impulses out that way!
Hvilke butikker hyppig mest? I get a lot of of my bags pre-loved, so really a lot of consignment stores, both in-person and online. If I purchase new, I will go to Nordstrom or South Moon Under, and I love a good TJMaxx deal. I think Aldo is really underrated as well – I got my wedding hold there!
Do you ever get second-hand bags? Where do you get used? very frequently! I like to get pre-loved if possible – it feels a lot more sustainable to me, and you can find a terrific deal if you know where to look. I also tend to gravitate towards bags that seem a bit a lot more special (at least to me), which can include bags that aren’t on the market anymore. If it was popular in 2005, its probably on my wishlist! In-person, I like current Boutique, mostly the Clarendon location in Arlington, VA. I have found some incredible deals there – I paid $15 out of pocket for my Prada Nylon Crossbody (it was $115 and I had $100 in store credit). I also frequent online stores like Tradesy, the RealReal, and often eBay (though I get those authenticated). A pal of a pal runs an luxury goods consignment store (primarily through Instagram, but she also has a storefront), so I have gotten some terrific bags from her at good prices, including the Balanciaga City, the Neverfull, and the Gucci Boston.
Selger du gamle poser for å betale for nye kjøp? I have infrequently sold old bags, but not to pay for new purchases! If I do sell a bag, it is probably to current boutique considering that they make it so easy (if I have to mail something, I will unavoidably forget to do it). I’m a lot more inclined to give old bags away to pals or family, or to donate.
Do you ever feel societal pressure to purchase a lot more bags? less so these days, but I used to. Instagram absolutely doesn’t help, but as I’ve gotten older I’ve gotten a lot more safe in my choices and tastes. These days, the pressure is not so much to me the idea that I must have a lot more bags in terms of numbers, it comes a lot more from sheer number of terrific options out there – the a lot more you scroll through Instagram, blogs, marketing emails, the a lot more you see things that you may want. with that said, I am lucky enough to have several long-term dream bags in mitt skap allerede, og gitt verdens tilstand i disse dager vil jeg bare glede meg over det jeg har.
Vurderer du poseinnkjøpsinvesteringer? Ikke i det hele tatt! I det minste ikke knyttet til mine egne vesker, for meg tror jeg at de er noe å glede meg over at jeg er heldig jeg har råd til. Kanskje en investering i min lykke? Jeg ser hvordan de kan sjekkes ut som investeringer, og jeg liker å tenke på investeringssiden av ting fra et økonomisk perspektiv på grunn av mitt yrke – jeg har brukt håndvesker som et eksempel på å beskrive markedsnivå og verdsette bilister når jeg underviser i juniorkolleger ! Jeg liker også å overvåke populære stiler og priser i detaljmarkedet for å se hvordan ting endres over tid.
Hvem påvirker vanligvis at du får beslutninger?
Hvem påvirker at du får beslutninger? Jeg er ikke sikker! Selv om jeg tror Instagram -påvirkere og kjendiser sannsynligvis har en viss underbevisst innvirkning på ting, har jeg en tendens til å få det jeg liker, som inkluderer begge stiler som er virkelig populære og mainstream, og stiler som ikke er det. Jeg blir trukket mye mer til gjenkjennelige stiler mye mer enn logoer, hvis det gir mening, og jeg tror jeg får det fra mamma, som elsker luksusartikler, men absolutt hater logoer. Jeg har ikke noe imot logoer selv, men jeg må like stilen også. Selv om jeg ofte vil spørre vennene mine eller ektefellen hva de tror når jeg tar en kjøpsbeslutning, vil jeg sannsynligvis bare gå foran og få det jeg liker fordi jeg er den som bærer posen! Jeg håper det ikke høres kaldt ut!
Er salgsforbindelsesforhold instrumental for shopping? Ikke på standard måte, med tanke på at jeg får mye brukt. Selv om jeg alltid setter pris på innsikten i Boutique eller varehus SAS hvis de er vennlige, handler jeg ikke i disse butikkene for poser nok til å virkelig utvikle disse forholdene.
Jeg vil si at denne typen forhold er instrumentelle når det gjelder bruktkjøp. Jeg har utviklet et godt forhold til vennens venn som driver luksuriøs sendingstjeneste – hun har sporet opp en viss veske jeg har ønsket meg eller reservert en stil for meg hun visste at jeg hadde ønsket meg. Hun vil også nå ut ofte hvis en stil kommer inn som hun tror jeg kanskje vil, og hun har også hjulpet meg med å autentisere et eBay -kjøp. Jeg har også henvist folk til henne, og jeg er alltid glad for å sende folk på sin måte. Jeg er også i nærheten med personalet i min lokale forsendelsesbutikk – jeg savner dem nå som ting blir lagt ned, og jeg kan ikke vente med å støtte dem når ting åpner igjen. Lederen er på julelisten min!
Hvorfor gleder du deg over å handle, utover bare å skaffe deg noe nytt? Jeg har alltid vært en kjøper-Hunter-Gatherer-impulsen var allerede sterk i meg, og kapitalismen hjelper absolutt ikke! Kanskje det er detaljhandelsterapi, men jeg gleder meg over opplevelsen av å dra til butikker, sjekke ut ting, snakke med selgere og se hva som er der ute. Jeg gleder meg veldig over å hjelpe vennene mine og familien med å handle for seg selv-jeg er til å gå i familien min når noen trenger en prom-kjole eller noe!
Har du noen gang følt at du har mottatt underordnet tjeneste i en butikk eller butikk på grunn av utseendet, etnisitet eller kjønn? Jeg har absolutt sett noen ikke fantastisk kundeservice noen steder, for det meste noen få luksusbutikker, men jeg tror ikke det kan tilskrives mitt utseende, etnisitet eller kjønn. Jeg tror det bare var dårlig kundeservice fra noen snobbete salgspersonell, noe som absolutt skjer! Når det er sagt, vet jeg at dette skjer, og jeg tror det er avskyelig, og jeg vet at jeg iboende er privilegert til ikke å oppleve det.
Hvem betaler for posene dine? Stort sett meg, selv om ektefellen min har fått meg noen få. Han fikk meg Mulberry Dorset Tote for bursdagen min ett år og Kurt Geiger Kensington som jubileum til stede. Noen få var gaver – LV Boulogne ble overlevert til meg fra min avdøde bestemor fra mammaen min på 30 -årsdagen min, og faren min fikk meg Tory Burch Gemini Tote til en bursdag, men for det meste gjør jeg det.
Setter du av et budsjett for posekjøpene dine? ikke regelmessig. Arbeidsplassen min har et anerkjennelsesprogram der vi kan sende folk “belønningspoeng” som er